The Issues

Maternal and infant mortality rates in Africa remain alarmingly high, particularly in rural regions. Many women and new-borns lose their lives during childbirth due to inadequate healthcare infrastructure, limited access to medical facilities, and a shortage of trained healthcare professionals. The lack of essential medical resources and skilled care during pregnancy and delivery is a critical issue that continues to endanger the lives of countless mothers and their babies. Addressing these challenges is vital to improving maternal and infant health outcomes across the continent. At Mamas in Need, we are committed to tackling these life-threatening gaps by providing critical support to underserved communities, ensuring that mothers and new-borns receive the care they need to survive and thrive.

The key issues we address in our mission to improve maternal and infant health:

Lack of Training for Midwives

The retention of midwives, particularly in rural areas, remains a significant challenge in many African countries. These vital healthcare workers often endure deplorable living conditions, frequently residing in accommodations that lack basic amenities such as clean water and proper sanitation. Despite these hardships, midwives serve as the first line of defence in maternal and child healthcare, working tirelessly to ensure that women survive childbirth and that babies are delivered safely, even in the most marginalised communities.

In areas where access to trained midwives is limited, local women, often mothers themselves, are called upon to assume the roles of midwives and nurses, caring for expectant mothers with little or no formal training. This lack of professional support and training places both mothers and new-borns at considerable risk, further underscoring the urgent need for improved resources and training for midwives in these underserved regions.

At Mamas in need, we are committed to addressing these gaps by providing midwives with the training and support they need to deliver safe and effective care, ensuring healthier outcomes for mothers and their babies.

Lack of Equipment

In many rural parts of Africa, midwives are often unprepared to handle complications during childbirth due to a severe lack of equipment and resources. While this kind of preparedness is standard practice in the western world, the reality is starkly different in these under-resourced areas.

The consequences are devastating. Mothers and their babies in these regions are more than twice as likely to die during childbirth compared to their counterparts in other nations. In 2015 alone, an estimated 303,000 women globally lost their lives due to pregnancy and childbirth related complications. The overwhelming majority of these deaths occurred in low-resource settings, and most were preventable.

While several Sub-Saharan African countries have made significant progress, halving their maternal mortality rates since 1990, maternal deaths in rural villages remain alarmingly high. This tragic disparity highlights the crucial role that accessibility, and quality healthcare plays in saving lives.

At Mamas in need, we are committed to bridging this gap ensuring that no mother or child is left without the critical resources they need for a safe and healthy birth.

Lack of essential clothing and hygiene Products for Mothers and New-borns

In many rural communities across Africa, access to basic clothing and hygiene products for mothers and their new-borns is severely limited. This lack of essential items has profound implications for maternal and infant health, particularly during the critical period following childbirth.

Without adequate clothing, many mothers and their new-borns are exposed to preventable health risks, such as hypothermia and infections. Additionally, the absence of proper hygiene products can lead to unsanitary conditions, increasing the risk of complications like postpartum infections for mothers and skin irritations or respiratory issues for infants.

At Mamas in need, we recognise the importance of these essential items for the well-being of both mothers and their new-borns. Thats why we provide Mama and Baby Kits containing:

  • Clothing for both mothers and infants
  • Basic hygiene products, including sanitary pads, soaps, and baby wipes
  • Clean blankets and towels to ensure warmth and cleanliness
  • Reusable nappies and other necessities

These kits are distributed to women in some of the most underserved areas, ensuring that new mothers can give their babies the best possible start in life.

By offering these essential supplies, we help prevent the spread of infections, reduce health risks, and provide comfort and dignity to mothers during one of the most vulnerable times of their lives.

Lack of Domestic violence, FGM, and Breast ironing awareness.

In many parts of Africa, harmful practices and beliefs continue to affect the lives of women and girls, particularly in rural communities. Mamas in need is dedicated to raising awareness and providing education to help combat these issues.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Shockingly, over 50% of African women believe that physical violence from their husbands is justified under certain conditions, such as going out without permission, neglecting children, arguing, or refusing sexual advances. These beliefs, deeply rooted in cultural norms, have become more widespread as poverty levels rise. Mamas in need seeks to educate women in rural communities about signs of domestic violence and empower them to take action by seeking help and support. Through community workshops, we aim to foster a shift in mindset and provide women with the tools and resources they need to protect themselves and their families.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Awareness

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) remains a harmful and illegal practice in many regions of Africa. Our organisation partners with local communities to provide education on the physical and psychological consequences of FGM, particularly for young girls. We work with local leaders and healthcare providers to promote alternate rites of passage that celebrate womanhood without violence.

Breast Ironing Awareness

Breast Ironing is another harmful tradition that persists in some African communities, where a girls developing breasts are pressed with hot objects to delay their growth, in an attempt to reduce male attention and protect her from early sexual advances. This practice can have devastating physical and psychological effects. Mamas in need works to educate mothers and community leaders about the long-term health risks associated with breast ironing. We also advocate for the inclusion of breast ironing awareness in local school curriculums, empowering the younger generation with knowledge and encouraging communities to abandon this harmful practice.

Through awareness campaigns, community outreach, and partnerships with local leaders, Mamas in need is committed to eradicating these harmful practices and promoting the rights and well-being of women and girls across Africa.

Lack of Funds

While efforts to improve midwifery services have made strides in several African countries, rural communities remain critically underserved. In these areas, midwives often work without salaries, providing essential care in inadequate and unfinished facilities. The absence of proper equipment further hampers their ability to deliver quality maternal health services, leaving many women and new-borns vulnerable.

Despite regional advancements, the neglect of rural healthcare infrastructure continues to be a significant barrier. Without adequate funding, midwives are forced to operate in challenging conditions, lacking basic tools necessary to ensure safe and effective care for mothers and babies. Addressing this gap is crucial for reducing maternal mortality rates and improving overall healthcare outcomes in these underserved regions.

Lack of Sustainability Plan

A critical challenge facing many rural communities is the lack of a long-term sustainability plan for maternal health and well-being. While immediate interventions such as access to medical care, supplies, and skilled health workers are essential, these efforts often lack the infrastructure to be self-sustaining. This dependency on external aid leaves mothers and their families vulnerable, with limited opportunities to break the cycle of poverty and ill health. At Mamas in need, we recognise that true empowerment comes when communities can stand on their own, and sustainable solutions are at the heart of our mission.

To address this, Mamas in need is committed to developing programs that not only provide immediate maternal care but also equip mothers with the skills and resources to become self-sufficient. Through initiatives like vocational training, microfinancing for small businesses, and agricultural support, we aim to empower mothers to generate income and sustain their families. By fostering local leadership and encouraging community-based solutions, we envision a future where rural mothers are not only surviving but thriving, ensuring long term health and stability for themselves and their children.

By addressing these critical issues, we can make a significant impact on maternal and infant health in Africa. Join us in our mission to save lives and strengthen families.

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